Our Team
Meet Our Network
“When I perform I don’t expect to make magic…but I know that if I’m fully present, I can expect that magic will happen.” – Keith Jarrett
We’re not prescriptive. We go where the work leads us, and make new destinations relevant to today’s challenges.
From double-digit revenue growth in a declining market to creating a client’s first $1 Billion product line, and everything in-between, our clients often exceed revenue projections. We show clients how to anticipate customer needs; not just respond to requests.
Delivering the best service to customers is not magic; we teach our clients to make it feel that way.
Our Team

Ellen DiResta
Managing Director

Information Design

Chris Reichert
Consulting Partner

Visual Sensemaking

Harvey Koeppel
Consulting Partner

PAST Foundation
Education Innovation

Heather McGowan
Consulting Partner

Libby Halstead
Consulting Partner

Lynne Marlor
Consulting Partner