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Bring your worst idea!

I was reading a discussion yesterday on a closed site I get to use where it was mentioned that perfectionism is what often holds people back from achieving their goals.  When I think about this in terms of the Active Thinking concepts we’ve been...

Active Thinking

I have to clarify a point made in my last post about taking time to think.  I mentioned that clients tend to get nervous during the point in the project when they don’t perceive that anything is happening, and that in fact, this thinking time is the most...

Taking time to derive consumer insights

Insights are derived.  They are not observed, nor are they instant.  They take time. Regardless of the end goals, the most important part of a project is the time in-between the end of the research and before developing solutions.  This is probably true...

Everyone’s a consumer

The other day I was talking with a Director of a service business in a B2B market.  They felt that they didn't need to focus on understanding their customers as much as a consumer products company.  It's their understanding that the decision...

The Idea Brokers

There was an interesting article highlighted in Innovation Tools this week.  It's about Corporate Social Networks, and it brings up the role of Idea Brokers within a company. The article focused mostly on large companies, and how creating social...

An innovation crisis

A snippet in the Boston Globe yesterday posed an idea about why innovation is getting harder.   According to B. Jones, an economist, the frontier of knowledge is becoming more difficult to reach within an innovator's lifespan.  His analysis shows...