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Disruption as the Norm? – Part 3 Experiential Prototyping

Disruption as the Norm? – Part 3 Experiential Prototyping

Quick recap This post is Part 3 of the series on incorporating disruptive innovation approaches while optimizing the current business. Part 1 introduced the tension of balancing a present and future focus, caused by the shorter technology and product life cycles. Part...

Who’s running cover?

Let's face it, it's difficult to innovate from within corporate walls because the majority of the company is doing what it should be doing: cranking out existing products and services reliably, and efficiently, while reducing risk for stakeholders.  It...

New books are here!

In the past year I have written several chapters that are coming out in two books.  The first is called “Disrupt Together: How Teams Consistently Innovate. This book is based on the work championed at Philadelphia University by Steve Spinelli, created and...

Making innovation less scary

In my last post I talked about how the truly scary thing about innovation from an organizational perspective is at it can't be controlled by senior management in traditional ways. However, the inability to know whether is project is on track through Gantt charts...

The really scary thing about innovation

We know that innovation is scary. It should be. We've evolved to learn that it can be dangerous to do things differently, to leave our comfort zones, and to to embrace uncertainty. But we've also learned intellectually that we need to do these things so that...