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How do you define failure?

Interesting article from IMD on why small companies have an edge over their large company counterparts in driving innovation.  The point I found most interesting is that they point to psychological safety as a necessity to foster a culture of innovation. ...

Visual Literacy

What's the level of visual literacy in your company?  Chances are it's not very high. I define visual literacy as the ability to discern whether your products, services, marcom materials, or anything else you produce, are visually communicating the...

The pace of innovation

What's the right pace of innovation?  How often should you introduce incremental improvements, new breakthroughs, and how much can the market realistically absorb? Yesterday, JD mentioned in a comment that "consumers are more accustomed to a...

A call for innovation

I have to hand it to Seth Godin for his blog post today on what to do about Detroit.  His point of view is this:  Not only should Congress encourage/facilitate the organized bankruptcy of the Big Three, but it should also make it easy for them to be...

When what’s important becomes urgent

Individuals and organizations have one thing in common.  We all must carefully balance the time and energy we spend attending to the things that are important, and the things that are urgent. What's important are the activities that keep you true to your...

Consumer Choice Modeling

There is a good article in Strategy + Business about Consumer Choice Modeling.  Consumer Choice Modeling is a tool to project how well different product options and their attributes will do in the market.  Rather than being a simple preference test, it...