Our Blog
What’s On Our Minds

What Trees Can Teach Us About Leadership
I believe that the operation of the forest ecosystem provides an example of what we need to learn for organizations to thrive today, and it is already starting to happen.

Where Does Power Reside in Your Organization?
The balance of power in organizations is shifting. The fact that employees are quitting their companies in record numbers (aka The Great Resignation) is often cited as evidence of this fact. However, the issue is more complex than typically discussed, and I believe these shifts are enabled by a less acknowledged factor.

Data Should Inform Decisions, Not Make Decisions
“The algorithm indicated Robert McDaniel was more likely than 99.9 percent of Chicago’s population to either be shot or to have a shooting connected to him. That made him dangerous, and top brass at the Chicago PD knew it. So McDaniel had better be on his best...

Aligning Action, Serving People
Have you ever read the book Animal Farm? For many people it was assigned reading in secondary school or college. It provided a good example of how stories can be used to reveal a hidden meaning, or to deliver tacit social, political, or emotional messages. Good...

Hidden In Plain Sight
Do you remember the Magic Eye images that were popular many years ago? Here’s an example. Can you see the dolphins jumping through the hoop? Image from Magic Eye, Inc. (Look here or here for help to see it) All Magic Eye images have a 3D image camouflaged inside a 2D...

Why Insight, Why Now?
The current best practices for launching start-ups and new products are not achieving our intended goals. Since 1994, the failure rate for start-up companies has not changed, as shown by data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US. It’s a similar story for new...

The Pandemic Is Showing Companies Who They Really Are
Rather than trying to return to the old normal, Intentionally Resilient organizations are able to recover from difficulties by creating a new normal that is consistent with Who they are.

An Unusual Tribute to Jake Burton Carpenter
David Schriber recently wrote a touching reflection on his career at Burton Snowboards, and his relationship with Jake Burton Carpenter. I never met Jake personally, but he had a profound influence on how I approach my work, which in turn continues to indirectly...

Aligning To Your “Why”
When we work with clients, we work hard to ensure that they are aligning to their market’s ‘why’, as opposed to a ‘why’ that’s internally focused.

Make It Easy To Buy Your “Why”
When Simon Sinek talks about starting with “why”, the examples he cites are of companies that not only start with “why” but they have holistically carried it through everything they do.